Covid-19 - Our Health & Safety Message

September 2020

Dear Guests,

Thank you for visiting us at the Gardener’s Cottage.

In light of current developments, we ask you to respect the current Scottish Government guidelines when booking with us.

Please limit all reservations to a maximum of six people from two separate households and please be aware that it is now compulsory to wear a mask when entering, moving around and leaving the restaurant unless you are exempt from doing so.

• As always, all our restaurants maintain the highest possible level of hygiene. We have stepped up our cleaning regime by employing a dedicated Hygiene Assistant for each service. Our bathrooms, hard surfaces and entry areas will be cleaned regularly and meticulously with sanitisers, now so more than ever. We have enlisted an independent cleaning company to steam sanitise every thirty days and we have installed extra wall mounted hand sanitisers available for you to use during your visit.

• Our team has been fully briefed with current government requirements and are undertaking extreme levels of health and safety procedures to ensure that guests and other staff members are safe.

• We have reduced the number of tables in our restaurants to maximise space around diners and have implemented discrete screening to ensure a safe environment for customers and our team.

• Our team will be standing at a further distance from our guests and minimising close contact where possible.

Our staff health & safety notes that have been shared with our team can be viewed by visiting the menu on the left.

Thank you for your support and we ‘re looking forward to welcoming you on your next visit.

The Gardener’s Cottage team.