Whenever possible, employees are expected to maintain a safe & social distance of 2 metres from guests, other employees, and vendors, at all times while working and moving throughout the restaurant.  Maintaining physical distancing and installing physical barriers can help prevent spreading illnesses through the respiratory droplets in the air.


  • No physical contact (hugs, high fives, handshakes, etc) will be permitted.

  • Any incident of accidental physical contact must be followed by thorough hand-washing of all contacted individuals.

  • Where full social distancing may not be feasible in the restaurant, physical barriers will be installed to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets and contamination.

  • In limited spaces or at pinch points where social distancing measures cannot be followed then only one employee is permitted in the space at any time.  Examples of these include:

  • Bathrooms

  • Stairwell

  • Corridors

  • Locker rooms

  • Sneeze and cough directly into a tissue, if possible or your elbow.  Wash your hands immediately after.

  • There will be a one-way system introduced in the dining and kitchen areas of the restaurant with clear makers showing the direction of travel.

  • Kitchen workstations will be separated to allow at least 2 metres away from one another.  There will be visible markings to establish the boundaries of each work area.

  • Only one employee will be allowed downstairs to drop off any dirty dishes to the Hygiene Specialist.  They will leave the dishes at the designated table at the entrance of the downstairs prep kitchen.  Where upon the Hygiene Specialist will take them from that point.


  • Establish guest capacity limits based on governmental social distancing guidelines 

  • Dining tables will be spaced apart at a distance based on the recommended social distancing guidelines.

  • Guests will be encouraged to use a contactless payment system

  • All guests must book prior to arriving to the restaurant.  There will no longer be the facility for walk ins.

Whenever possible, employees are expected to maintain a safe social distance of 6 feet from other employees, vendors, and guests at all times while working and moving throughout the restaurant. Maintaining physical distancing and installing physical barriers can help prevent spreading illnesses through respiratory droplets in the air. Additional information can be found in the SOPs for Social Distancing Guidelines, Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting, and Dine In Steps of Service.

Best Practices | Employees• No physical contact (hugs, high fives, handshakes, etc.) will be permitted.
— Any incident of accidental physical contact must be followed by thorough handwashing of all contacted individuals.
• For restaurants with tight quarters in which full distancing may not be feasible, operators should install physical barriers to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets and contamination.
— Operators should consider outdoor dining in order to increase air flow and dining space.• In limited spaces where social distancing measures cannot be followed, only one employee is permitted into the space at any time. Examples of these include:
— Locker rooms
— Dry storage areas
— Walk-in refrigerators and freezers
— Offices
• Sneeze and cough directly into a tissue, if available, or your elbow. Wash your hands immediately after.
• Where physical distancing is not possible, consider installing protective glass or plexiglass barriers at counters or  other areas with potential close contact.
• Establish traffic flow guidelines in your restaurant.
—  There should be a clear path to and from various parts of the restaurant such as the dining room, dish area, kitchen, and restrooms.
—  Use verbal signals such as “coming down” and “corner” in order to communicate your location and avoid contact and collisions with other employees.
• Kitchen work stations should be separated to allow at least six feet away from one another. Clear markings should be visible to establish the boundaries of each work station area.
• The dirty dish drop off area should be as close as possible to the main dish station while maintaining a safe distance from whoever is operating the dish machine.